Monday, November 8, 2010


This week I decided to do the nature option for my photo album. I took pictures on a dreary day but i edited the photos so that the green were vibrant and the blues in the sky to pop also. I took some pictures of some very small plants in order to bring out the details them and some pictures of trees.

This is my best photo for nature.
Iso: 400
Fstop: f/5
Exposure: 1/400 seconds


  1. nice green leaves in the picture and the older leaves in the background, good contrast

  2. your best picture is really cool i like all the green in the picture. i goes well with the brown leaves.

  3. I absotutly love this picture!
    The color just pops right out at you!

  4. This is good, I like the light in this picture, but I would might have used one of the ones with the pink to give it a little more color.

  5. This is really good. The color is very eye attracting. Nice job!

  6. I like this picture a lot. The color is very birght, its grity and really captures the feel of nature. Good job. =)

  7. I really like this photo, I like how vivid the green is, great job!

  8. I really like the different shades of green in this photo with the contrast so high.

  9. There are so many different shades of green in this photo it really creates a great contrast. good picture Zak!

  10. Your pictures show lots of detail and are really clear good job
